Quote: Willravel - "I'm not saying it's probable, but possible that they do have them to simply protect themselves from asgressors."
I disagree. North Korea is a "hermit Kingdom". Really, who would be an aggressor to them? China? nope. Japan? Nope. South Korea? Nope, that's a "family" squabble, none of our business. So then, defense against whom?
I believe they're just trying to blackmail the world for concessions. It's time we draw a line in the sand here.
I'm only concerned that there isn't anything we can do about it. For the first time in my life, I have doubts about our own military capability.
Oddly, I agree with the Bush naysayers (from previous thread) about "why didn't we invade Iran, N. Korea, why Iraq etc..." but for entirely different reasons.
Iran, N. Korea definitely are real threats to our security (and the world too). It kind of sucks to be called out and unable to do anything about it. Apparently, we lack the man power etc. Both Iran and N. Korea need to be "relieved" of their nuclear capability.
Last edited by jorgelito; 02-10-2005 at 02:59 PM..
Reason: Grammar