Originally Posted by dualman7
You're right, I am obviously not ready yet. I just graduated college, and thought a man's best friend wouldb e a great companion for my single lifestyle. But I guess I was wrong.
Dualman, at the risk of sounding condescending, which I really am not trying to do, that statement right there gives me great hope that when you do decide that you're ready to get a dog, you'll do it the right way.
Why don't you contact one of those rescue organizations? Ask them if there are any volunteer opportunities for you, so that you can spend some real time with a boxer, get familiar with the breed. You'll see first hand exactly what the downsides are to the breed, and learn what is good about it. Plenty of shelters and rescue organizations need people to walk the dogs, transport dogs to new forever homes, even contacts to do the actual rescues from shelters and homes that don't want them anymore... Most desperately need foster homes, too, temporary placement for dogs waiting for forever homes. I wouldn't suggest that at first, but maybe after you've spent some time with the dogs, you'll find that you want to give it a shot. I swear to you, you'll never regret time spent working with the rescue organizations.
I know what it feels like to want a dog, to want that connection with another being. And I know what it feels like to have to wait. But waiting, as hard as it is, makes the actual getting all that much sweeter.
If you need help finding another rescue organization, or one for another breed (have you taken the questionnaires yet??), feel free to PM me, I'm always available to help.