Originally Posted by TheBrit
To the comments that will ensue and have been made about bad parenting...
The kid can walk and operate a door, it was at night. If a 4 year old wanted to get out of the house without anyone noticing, it wouldn't be hard...
Especially a 4 yr. old who's never done anything like this before ^^ My kids suprise me all the time and at the same time give me a heartattack when I realize what they've done. It's not like she let him take the car to school every morning.
My Mom used to let me drive our '71 Impala (HUGE BOAT) while on her lap through our trailer park (yup, I spent 2 years in a trailer
) I remember one lady screaming at my mom "Are you crazy, you stupid woman!!" my Mom flipped her off while I took the corner (slowly) was funny at the time.
Now she lets my 5 yr. old drive her truck up north on the side roads (we are talking two trackin' trails) and yes it freaks me out, but I remember how fun it was back in the day and trust my Mom to keep my kids safe.
I'm guessing that this mom learned a few things I have known for a while, keep the keys out of reach and the doors locked (car and house). I'm a Mom and am usually to easy to out other mom's in a bad light if something like this happens, but I have to give her some slack, like I said, she didn't let him take the care to school every morning for him think this was ok and allowed.