Originally Posted by willravel
We don't know for sure about said intentions yet. While they break a treaty and could be a danger, an assumption of using them offensively is only conjecture at this point. They could be telling the truth for all we know. They should be heald responsible for their actions and a multi-lateral negotiation should take place to disarm them or to create a new treaty which limits and controls their nuclear power. The military option should be an absolute last resort, if a resort at all.
Do you not remember Clinton's dealings with NK? The whole reason they began a nuclear program was so that they could promise to stop the program when they were given free oil.
They were, in fact, given free oil. but they never stopped their program.
Now they have the bomb. So why has their motive changed? It hasn't it is still to blackmail the rest of the world into giving the famine stiriken (of their own fault, mind you) country the food and oil it so desperately needs.
I can't believe such a self-proclaimed open-minded person such as yourself would take what North Korea says at face value.