Bush should be impeached now on the grounds of utter incompetence
and duplicity.
Here is a link to the SSA Trust Fund Portfolio. It contains "special issue" and
treasury bonds, totalling $1,703,395,104 .
<a href="http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/ProgData/investheld.html">http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/ProgData/investheld.html</a>
(Change the year from 2004 to 2005, click on "submit request", and the page
will display the SSA Trust fund portfolio details as of Jan. 31, 2005.)
"The average interest rate, weighted by the amount invested at each rate, is 5.478 percent at the end of January 2005. Similarly, the average number of years to maturity, weighted by the amounts maturing, is 7.087 years.
Maturity dates for special issues are June 30 of the years shown in the above table. When short-term certificates of indebtedness mature, they are reinvested in special-issue bonds having maturities generally ranging from 1 to 15 years. Thus, for each interest rate shown for special-issue bonds, there is usually a range of maturity years."
Bush must spew his talking points propaganda, require loyalty oaths and background checks from citizens who appear before him in public, plant
shills with fake names (as in Jeff Gannon) in his press conferences, payoff
mouthpieces posing as commentators (Armstrong Williams) and enlist the
Fox News/Limbaugh/Hannity/Coulter apparatus to fool the sheeple into
consenting to his policies. Policies that are not in the sheeple's best interest,
judging by the lack of truth in the way they must be presented and shilled.
Bush doesn't want the sheeple to know that the SSA trust fund does exist,
with publicly available details. Bush knows that it will take an act of Congress to dismantle and default on payment of SSA's bomd portfolio.
He doesn't want you to know that this is what he plans to do. It is a much
easier way out than taxing and budgeting responsibly and competently to
meet government's obligations.