I would do certain things, as long as i dont lose things like the sense of touch. Like if i could live forever but had a completely metal/plastic body i dont think i would do it. I dont think i would mess with my eyesight or hearing either, if there was any risk at all of losing either of them.
A few examples of what i would get though: nanobots repairing cells and such would be ok. Drawing from Tv/Movies something like what Becka has in Andromeda would be nice, she can change her hair color to any color she wants with a thought. If one of my organs needed replacement i wouldnt object to an artificial. Also something similar to the matrix where i could plug in and exist in a simulated environment, or plug in and absorb or transmit information directly, like isntead of using a mouse and keyboard i could type or play that first person shooter purely on direct brain linking.
As long as it didnt require major surgery most things would be ok. Replacement of some bones with something more solid would be nice, never having to worry about breaking a leg, etc.
There's also the problem of the possibility of a company having rights to my body, or "owning" my body parts, similar to like it is in Ghost in the Shell.
I highly recommend "Ghost in the Shell" for anyone interested in this type of thing. Its an anime. There's a couple movies and a series. The first and second movies definitely poke at your brain's processing power, trying to decipher all the deep meanings of existance and shit like that, what exactly makes a human a human... etc.
We Must Dissent.
Last edited by ObieX; 02-10-2005 at 10:55 AM..