No help here I see.
We have a family car shop where we all work. And I am the "interior guy" mostly. I work under dashes and striping and putting them back together, not to mention mecahnical work here and there.
I was wondering if there was a quick and simple way to do it without taking apart the horn in the stearing whell, so it would be quick and easy to do and then just as easy to put back. No harm done.
So, far im thinking of adding a new horn attached to the battery with the switch under the break. a few screws an inline fuse and 5 ft of wire. So, I wouldnt have to deal with taking the dash apart.
Its and older junker car my lil brother uses. I didn't to take the horn button apart and junp the swicth and rewire it into the break light switch on the pedal. Too much time to put into a 10 min prank.
Last edited by wnker85; 02-10-2005 at 10:28 AM..