Originally Posted by ARTelevision
Also, most towns still have a few tried and true old-time diners that were in place and operating and gathering clientele way before their current competitors. We find they're a good bet. Add some travel to scout out a new old-time diner and you have added the experimental component back into the routine - albeit with less risk...
It may not be exprimentally exciting, but there's something special about walking into a diner in the morning and seeing the staff waving and asking how we're doing. The waitresses (no waiters on the morning shift) will jump up to be the one to serve us since they all know us.
This particular diner, now separated from our school by a huge Target store, was the victim of multiple attempts at eminent domain because the mayor wanted to build a parking lot or strip mall. They finally won, and they'll be building something around it instead of buldozing it.