Originally Posted by dualman7
Bryndian, I am printing what you said out and posting it on the fridge.
90% of the people get their dogs from pet shops. Would i really be commiting a horrific act by getting my boxer from there? I simply don't have the time and energy to look for breeders. I am sorry if that pisses some of you off. I went to those websites, and the closest is 3 hours away! I live in Brooklyn new York, zip code 11229, so if u see any breeders online, close, I would love to get in touch with them, maybe I am searching in the wrong places.
Then don't get a dog! You don't have the time and energy to find a good breeder, you don't have the time and energy not to leave the dog alone for 6 hours a day, then you simply don't have the time and energy for a dog. If you get one at this stage in your life, it's a selfish move to satisfy your own desires at the expense of the dog. Leaving a dog alone regularly for 6 hours is cruel. Not only does 6 hours seem like forever to the dog (think back to when you were a little kid and had to wait even half an hour for something. Seemed to take forever didn't it?), but the dog doesn't even understand that you're coming back. He'll think he's been abandoned. That's especially bad for a puppy who's already going through the shock of being torn away from his littermates and his mom.
I can't stress this enough. You are not a good candidate to have a dog. Please reconsider and wait to get the dog until you're at a stage in your life where you can devote the time needed to caring for it.
Dogs are not put on this earth for the amusement of man. They are companions, not toys. You cannot play with the dog and then toss it in the closet until you're ready to play with it again.
side note: It's good to see so many fellow dog lovers who are obviously
responsible and
caring companions to their pups. Cheers guys!