A reputable breeder cares about the quality of the dogs they breed. A puppy mill makes money at the dog's expense. A reputable breeder will quiz you about your suitability to care for one of their puppies. They truly care about the dogs that they sell. My avatar is a picture of my 9 year old Newfoundland. She cost me $1000 and a 5 hour drive. Her parents and grandparents hips, elbows, and knees were all xrayed and certified. Her parents and grandparents were on site for me to see. Purchasing her from the breeder was worse than a job interview. I had to bring pictures of my home, my yard, and a note from my vet. They actually called the vet as a reference. They were more of a placement agency than a seller. Knowing that they took extraordinary steps to insure the health of their puppies made it worthwhile to me. Someday I will do it again.
Owning a dog isn't a casual thing, it's a 10-15 year commitment. Shelters and breeders are looking out for the dogs. Pets stores are only looking out for themselves.