Originally Posted by IC3
I got my German Sheppard Boarder Collie cross through a pet store, Here, Breeders will put post adds in the pet shops.
If you got a mixed breed in a pet store, chances are good that the pet store was working with a local shelter to place dogs rather than selling pure bred puppies from puppy mills.
And checking the classifieds can help, but you have to beware of "backyard breeders".... people who just let their dog have puppies without checking pedigrees, bloodlines or anything, they just pick a dog they like the look of and if its the same breed, bingo, let's have puppies. A reputable breeder makes sure that their dogs are bred with an eye to preventing health problems that are prevalent in particular breeds (like back problems in Dachshunds, or hip dysplasia in Boxers, and deafness in Boxers, etc, etc), and they breed
only to improve the breed, not just to have a litter of puppies to breed.