Yeah, they play this song with some frequency (get it, a music pun) on Sirius radio's Alt. Nation channel. That's what I listen to at work, so I hear it at least once a day. The song has gotten a little old for me, but I still always laugh at the "obesity epidemic" line. "Oh yes, it was horrible! There was cheesecake and pork chops everywhere"
On obesity, the song/stand up makes a good point. We need more personal accountability when it comes to weight management. There are too many media channels telling people that being fat is not their fault. You choose what foods to put into your body. You choose whether you walk a mile after dinner or plop down on the couch to watch Seinfeld reruns. These are the choices that make you fat or not.
I am overweight right now. Not obese, but overweight. I don't put the blame for it on anyone but myself. And I am taking steps to change it.
You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
- Albert Einstein