Originally Posted by Nancy
I never said it didn't. I'm just curious to hear the Americans opinions about the statements regarding their country to find out whether they agree or not. Especially the part about obesity because I'm not aware if you Americans are well aware of how big a problem obesity is and will become if nothing is done soon or if you're all just happy-go-lucky about it 
Yes, we're aware of it - it's all over the news and such, you can't avoid it. Personally though, as one American, my perspective is that it sounds like he's talking about someone else, since I don't spend a lot of time at fast food drive-throughs. Or any time at all, actually. I haven't eaten at a MacDonalds for at least 10 or 15 years. I'm not wanting to sound smug or anything but that's just the truth. I'm not sure about the rest of the country (it's a really big place) but at least where I live, there's a fairly sharp divide between the people who eat MacDonald's and those who don't. That's a meaningful point from my perspective, because although I'm aware of the problem from the news and my own observations, there's really not much for me to do about it. I know one guy who admits to eating fast food fairly regularly and although he's growing a bit of a gut, I'm not ready to sit him down and talk to him about it because he can think for himself.
So basically it sounds like a comedy routine where he's poking fun at the fat lazy people who won't get out of their cars (which it is). Do you think he's one of those people? I don't. Anyway it was pretty funny stuff!