Originally Posted by dualman7
The reason i am considering a pet shop is because I have never even heard of breeders around my area. How would I go about finding a reputable breeder who breeds boxers? Realistically, the dog would probably be home alone for 5-6 hours a day. But other then that, would receive great care. I would do whatever it takes to make sure the dog is properly trained.
just look in the classified ads... there's always listings for dogs, both by breeders and individual families whose dog just had puppies.
my girlfriend and i just got a 10 week old puppy. it is my first time raising a dog, but she grew up around dogs... so she knew what to expect. it was a big shock to me just how much attention they need... i knew it would be a lot, but i didn't think it would be nearly constant. it truly changes your entire lifestyle because with every choice you make, you have to consider how it effects them. of course, you can hear these same comments over and over, but you really have to experience it to know what it's like... just be aware that it's a much bigger commitment than you think and it will take months and months to get him/her trained to the point where you don't have to constantly worry about where he/she is and what he/she is chewing on or peeing on.