Condecending? Not at all... In fact, I believe I said whatever turns him on. I've never been a fan of that argument though, the whole "guys wanna fuck a woman in the ass, but when the question is turned on them "oh no, exit only!" thing, mainly because women dont have dicks. If women had dicks and vagina's, and guys had vagina's and dicks, then we would be on equal footing. But to have sex/make love/etc, guys don't have anything inserted into them, we do the inserting. That's why its so much more taboo for a girl to fuck a guy in the ass than a guy to fuck a girl in the ass. Which do you think happens more? I'd put my money on the second one, because like you said, a double standard exists. I not being chauvinist here, in fact, I know some guys that probibly could use a good ass-fucking.
So.... yes, maybe I am poking a little fun, but come on now. Have to keep the thread light, otherwise he'll start to get second thoughts. And I for one really do want to know what went on in his head when he bends over. Props though. Who knows, maybe this makes you more of a man than a guy who's scared it makes him homosexual or some bullshit. Was is your idea or your girlfriends?
Did you guys order that pink color? I read somewhere that the pink starts to fade/stain after a while, might want to go with a black or something. And yeah, I would also imagine you might want to use a bunch of lube.
Let us know how it goes man.