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Old 02-09-2005, 11:43 PM   #37 (permalink)
big damn hero
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Originally Posted by Sleepyjack
I am a bit worried about some people saying that #2 is Library time!
You shouldn't have that much time (whilst defecating ) to read anything significant - otherwise something might be wrong with you
It's not about reading something significant all at once. It's cumulative.

I go once a day as I'm a pretty 'regular' guy. I imagine I spend about 10-15 minutes doing the dirty deed. That's about 70-105 minutes a week just pooping. Why spend that doing nothing other than grunting and counting the bathroom tiles?

Originally Posted by ratbastid
Funny about "#2", isn't it? We all do it. It smells pretty much the same with each of us. Why does that have to be private?

I don't really have an answer to that question. All I know is, it does.
I think because there simply isn't a graceful way to wipe your ass in front of someone. It's an endeavor best done in private.
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