Originally Posted by asaris
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by this, martinguerre, but it seems clear that Paul assigns are greater authority to most of what he writes than merely just good advice from an Apostle.
That passage you cite...he's playing extra careful on an issue he can't solve. But i find no good evidence that Paul beleived his words to be scripture. He had no idea there would be a New Testament in any way shape or form.
His letters are impromtu, crisis theology. There is much to be learned from them. I preach from them regularly. I read them closely.
But i always keep in mind that he never intended them to be universal decrees.
PS: Shanifaye, i'm happy to tell you that you're mistaken. look at the parts of the letters where he thanks his benefactors. The church in corinth is run by pheobe, women are adressed as prophets, deacons, elders, and evangelizers. I think paul had a complicated relationship to women, but it is clear that he recognizes women as authorities, and they bail out his ministry more than once.