Originally Posted by sob
I don't think you covered the hypocrisy in which we've had to listen to all of the America-haters' shrill cries of "Why are we in Iraq? Why aren't we doing something about Iran and North Korea????"
And now that we MENTION Iran, the screams are hitting "E" above "high C."
You're right--with this level of intellectual dishonesty, there's no point in debate.
Well, when us "America-haters" (I don't hate America, in fact I love it. My love for America is so great that I try to protect it from people who would use it for selfish and immoral reasons.) were mentioning Iran and NK, we were saying that
if we were going to go to a preemptive war with some country, they should at least admit having the weapons. Before the invasion, the WMD arguments were shakey. We were simply trying to show how illogical the invasion was. We were not promoting or endorsing an invasion into Iran or NK. I can only speak for the people I know, but I get the feeling that a lot of the anti-war people felt this way. Our ideal is war as a very, very last resort.
Iran may need to be stopped from doing something stupid. They signed an agreement and they might be breaking it (we don't really know as of yet). If we find evidence from a credible source that they do have a nuclear weapons program, then a U.N. lead coalition should be allowed to disarm them. I can only hope that if we do have to go in there, we can avoid taking civilian lives and have a solid exit strategy planned out. We can't just go in there guns-a-blazin. I hope America can act with support from our allies (not just Spain's leadership and Britian's leadership) and earn back some of the respect and trust we lost.