Well benefits are limitless. Disease, sickness, birth defects, handicaps--all those became a thing of the past. Also, lost limbs are now easily replaced with new or better than new ones. I would love to walk into MacDonald's, order by Big Mac, fries, large drink, and new lungs or better metabolism.
And I wouldn't stop there. This just became the new means of self expression. Piercing, tatoos, body art--all just ended with this form of human control. Imagine walking into your average "Red Cell Biotech" and walk out having a feline tail, gills, changing-color skin, tiger fur, animal features--you name it. Personally I find non-anthropormorphic art really cool. Yeah, weirdo is written of my forehead. It's probably all that anime I watched as a teenager. But really, people would pay to have this done to them. I would.
Last edited by Hain; 12-07-2007 at 12:22 PM..