here is mine....
Wife started to have some contractions around 2 in the morning, nothing will make you bolt out of bed faster than a pregnant woman tell you "its time". So i started to time them and they were all over the place, so it was going to be awhile, I tried to go back to sleep, ya right, just tossing and turning. In the morning my wife was up cleaning the house ( a tell tale sign of a child coming soon) but the contractions were still far apart and not on any rythm.
We called the hostipal to let them know and they informed us to come in if they get more regular and atleast a certain length of time apart. So I head to work as I am going stir crazy and need to do something. I called home like every 20 minutes to check on her and help steady my nerves. When I called home around noon, my wife was more strained while talking during a contraction, I took this as a sign to come home! She tried to go back to sleep for a bit, but around 4pm they became more rythmic and off to the hostipal we went. The birth itself was very easy (for me atleast), she started to push around 7pm, and my little girl was born just after 8pm. No meds, nothing. The missus had called for an epidural but by the time the doctor was there to give it to her, she said eff it and wanted to just push. We were eating Wendys at 11pm that night watching our little girl sleep in our room at the hostipal.
That was 10 months ago, now the little rascal is almost walking on her own and is the ruler of the house!.
sorry if this does not make sense as i am on some heavy cold meds. and a drink or two. sorry.