Originally Posted by Captain Nemo
guccilvr, it sounds like you worked as an independent contractor for the company. If that is the case you should file Schedule C with your 1040. This will allow you to deduct legitimate expenses you incurred while on the project.
kurty[B], you don't get W-2's for the sale of stock. You need to report the sale and any gain (loss) you incurred on Schedule D. As far as E-filing, I punt to Gar, as I E-file all of the returns I prepare directly. I have never used an outside service.
His W-2 info might have some stock info on it (not the w-2 itself, but the year end crud that goes with it). Things like the basis and exervise price, which he might need depending on the plan.
Shit, Lacerte does my efiling for me. Have no idea how you would do it otherwise.....might check the online H&R Block site/Turbotax, you might be able to do your own and efile from there.
Guess I'll take the punt and kneel down for a touchback.
Good luck with the season Nemo.