So, Hitler's aims were noble when he set out to reduce the strife within his country by getting rid of Jews and other groups, the presence of whom was causing an amount of social unease.
I was briefly popping in some feedback on the racism element of this discussion, the post was kept fairly short, and as such didn't have much room to elaborate. Racism served a function back in the day because it gave us a tendency to aggressively defend our shit as per an engrained tendency to consider one's own varient superior on account of you being it. Your culture, phenotype, etc. were asserted. Now adays, we're not just social critters but critters of civilization, and what functions racism serves works against us all, because it creates internal strife. That strife is undesirable not because it's presence reduces functionality, but because it works agaisnt the members of the civilization indiscriminantly. Hitler sought to fulfil the ignoble aim of his staggeringly unnecessary levels of racism.
But a racist could just as easily justify himself by asserting the (obvious) fact that "I just don't care about [insert racial epithet]! I don't want to wipe them all out though, (then who would tend my crops for pittance?)".
We're critters of civilization, as per the basics of residing within comtemporary civilization, one oughtn't be racist as it is counter productive, it retards social enlightenment and advancement.
As for animals, I'll need some info before I can really make a response, so I've got to ask, why are you for what you are for? What is it about what you want to eliminate that makes it worthy of elimination? I’m not sure how to address this item.