The past is the past. She loves YOU, she married YOU. Whatever she did before was before. It made her who she is now...that is: the woman you love, the woman who bore your child. I did stuff in the past that I wouldn't do now, lessons learned. Experiences shape us...her apparent embarrassment about her past is unneccessary. Your need to know is unwarranted.
The issue is how to make your sex life more fulfilling...wonderful!!! What a lucky gal! Work on that together, sounds like it could open all sorts of new doors for you two in the intimacy department. Do let her know that her past doesn't matter to you and how much you love her, find her sexy, and want to please her as much as possible.
best of luck and have FUN!
Believe nothing, even if I tell it to you, unless it meets with your own good common sense and experience. - Siddhartha Gautama (The Buddha)