Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
The next step being reffered to is putting this case up before the Security council.
Plus as far as intelligence goes, it's a lot different then Iraq. You get the IAEA monitoring this place, isn't it weird that they find particles and emissions consistent with uranium enrichement?
You mean like depleted uranium? It could easily be from american shells and bullets.
Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Plus you had that Pakistani scientist a few years back admit that he sold them nuclear secrets. Plus Russia has been enabling their programs the whole time as well.
I don't think we will invade Iran. There might be some military action taken, but I don't think there will be an invasion. You have Cheney, Wolfowitz, and Rummy who all wrote the handbook on modern warfare (RMA), I don't think they want conscripts fighting this for them, plus it America would never stand for.
But I have no problem hurling a few missles into Iran, any country that openly supports terrorism should not be allowed nukes, especially when they signed a treaty.
We support terrrorism, dude. We, the United States, support terrorism both foreign* and domestic**. We also have more nuclear weapons than any country in the world. Why aren't you insisting that America disarms? We signed a treaty called the Geneva Convention, if you remember. Under the Geneva Conventions (in particularly The 4th Convention) the "occupying power" (U.S.A.) is required in strict and unambiguous terms to protect the human rights, including the lives, welfare, and property of the Iraqi people. We actively torture their criminals. That is a blatent violation. Technically, the "insurgents" in Iraq are not terrorists, so they can not legally be tortured.
*We openly support Israel's government, who are terrorists against Palestine. State terrorism is still terrorism.
On September 17, 1948, four months after the official establishment of Israel, U.N. Palestine Mediator Count Folke Bernadotte was assassinated by members of an Israeli terrorist group, the so-called Stern Gang, while driving in the Israeli-controlled sector of Jerusalem. The U.S. government, at the time, believed the identity of the perpetrators was known to Israel's Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, butthe perpetrators were never prosecuted. Thirty years later one of them, Yehoshva Zeitler-known to be a close friend of Ben Gurion's- acknowledged that he was one of the assassins and explained that "we executed Bernadotte because he was a one-man institution who endangered the status of Jerusalem by his declared intention of turning her into an international city. He was hostile to Israel from the moment the statewas established and actually laid the foundation for the present U.N. policy of supporting the Arabs." The message to other potential pro-Arab sympathizers was clear.
**CIA trained Osama Bin Laden is heald responsible for the terrorist attacks on 9/11.