Due to NDA stuff and the fact that I know some members of TFP definately fall under it's protection, I can't list the exact code, but this is the gist of it:
"c:\Program Files\PROGRAM" "C:\Program Files\REFERNCE FILE TO OPEN IN PROGRAM"|"c:\Program Files\PROGRAM"|"c:\Program Files\PROGRAM"|"c:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" "http://URL"
That works just fine in getting the job done. If I parse it with start| and |exit , it runs as normal, then opens up a new cmd.exe window at the end for the directory where the batch file is, leaving me with two of the things staring defiantely at me.
Sorry if I'm being incredibly obtuse here
edit: It's just the start| that causes the new window to open. The |exit on the end shows no change if it's there or not, regardless of if start| is at the begining.