It's not hate, irate.....that's just your excuse for avoiding
debating the reality of Bush's.....and your own.....disconnect.
I'm outraged, and moved by the suffering of the affected
families living through this and for the dead Amercans,
young soldiers Bush is ordering to die....for nothing..... many
who were close in age to Barbara and Jenna. This is on you,
now, irate, because we've told you and shown you, and you
won't confront your enabling of war criminals and their crimes.
Instead, you create a thread to gloss it all over and to keep
cheering it on.
The War Party
By Jim Hightower, AlterNet. Posted February 5, 2005.
............Lavish balls, sumptuous gourmet meals, copious champagne brunches, indulgent corporate-sponsored receptions in posh private clubs—a cornucopia of excess for the privileged and connected, dancing in a swirl of political self-congratulation (and in anticipation of political rewards-to-come for those elites who picked up the $40-million tab). All this unseemly splurging while— 7,000 miles away in Iraq—the loved ones of Americans who are neither privileged nor connected are mired in the deadly mayhem of George W's disastrous war.
One inaugural visual summed up the moral divide between those few so gaily dancing the war away in Washington and those many trapped so miserably in the brutal reality of Iraq. It was the recurring scene of stretch Hummer limousines ferrying the resplendent Gucci crowd from one gaudy gathering to the next—while soldiers driving real Humvees have been denied the protective armor that could save their lives.........
....................There were even special inaugural blowouts for the twentysomethings, including George's own war-age daughters, who loudly proclaim their support for daddy's war—but not so much that they would join it. In BushWorld, the elites declare war... other people do the fighting and dying.