Originally Posted by willravel
Morals (as you describe them, they aren't actually morals*) aren't like emotions They can be negative and positive.
Man 1: It's morally wrong to allow Jews to exploit our society. Based on that moral truth, we should persecute them.
Man 2: Shut the f*** up Hitler.
His "morals" were based in his perception of reality. Were his perceptions wrong? Almost certianally. His perceptions were fed by paranoia and a slew of mental and social diseases. There are people living in America right now who think it's morally acceptable to kill black people for simply being born black. Are they right? Of course not. The same thing is going on with homosexuals. People misinterpret the bible (ask your pastor/preist/rabbi/etc. if you should persecute those who live in "sin", then talk to me about how to treat homosexuals). Now we are stuck in this aweful situation where a group of people have been taught propoganda wrapped in the word of God, and they'll stick to it no matter what. It is alright with me if you want to believe that being gay is wrong. It is not alright for you to prevent them from living the way that makes them happy and doesn't hurt you.
*Moral: of or concerned with the judgment of the goodness or badness of human action and character This is the way people are born. There is a genetic trait associated with being a homosexual. How can it be wrong to be born? Should we punish people for being born with detached or attached earlobes?
You are misusing the term moral. Every definiton I have seen of moral includes some form of "goodness" or "correct" or some other term. And all of those are subjective. Just because some people agree that something is good doesn't make it inherently good, you cannot prove that there is some absolute good. And without that you cannot have moral be anything but subjective.
Also, you make quite a few broad assumptions which aren't entirely based in fact:
1. I "persecute" those who live in sin. Really, I personally don't care what people do in their own homes, I'm not peronally trying to ban homosexuality.
2. If I believe that something is bad for society, it DOES hurt me if it goes on. Crimes not commited against me do not hurt me, but that doesn't make them right, nor does it mean I should support them. Again, I personally don't care about homosexuality, nor do I think it can be legally banned. However, that is not the issue, the issue is marriage not allowing the act.
3. That people are born homosexual has not been conclusively proven one way or the other. There are many people who lived a heterosexual lifestyle for many years before becoming homosexual. We could probably play duelling experts here, but it will boil down to there being no definitive scientific proof one way or the other. And as for people being punished for how they are born, it happens all the time. Just look at many inner cities, these people are punished for being born to poor parents. Many people are imprisoned for actions they commit due to mental illness (often that they are born with).