Halo 1/2.
FPS's for people with crappy computers or no computer at all.
Don't get me started on how little skill the game takes to make par- it has a very low plateu in the professional gaming scene. Pros play Halo to make money (microsoft sponsored 50grand tournies...), and they play other FPS games to regain their sanity/skill.
On the plus side, the game is extremely well polished. It IS a fun game to play, however, if you're at the any least bit competative, its low celing is too hard to live with.
Zelda: Windwaker
The atmosphere was great. The game was very well done- very well polished just like Halo. The game's challenge was rediculously easy. Exploration was stupid- sail an extra 10 minutes to another island with a stupid obvious puzzle. "Oh, there's a rock with a crack on it. Maybe I should bomb it?" Really, the puzzles were insulting- but then again, the game's probably geared towards people younger than me. (but that doesn't explain why people my age worship it)