Questioning Christianity
My mom as always been the churchy type, always dragging her children there every Sunday. Eventually it got boring so naturally, I wanted to stop. She kept forcing me. Then, last year in an Early World History class, I learned a lot of supported evidence that proves a lot of things wrong in this religion.
1) The tale of noah's ark was a folklore created by an ancient civilization, and the character's name was Gilgamesh. Apparently, this story has been retold in almost every religion possible.
2) Jesus was supposedly able to perform any miracle, yet in history, he did very little of his own work.
3) Christianity is against sorcery. If so then why were bread and fish and wine multiplied at the last supper.
4) During the plagues, why the hell would God kill so many innocent first born children.
I know a lot more but don't feel like taking the time to type them all out.
If you support or oppose my opinion, please explain. I'm in a real pickle, stuck between beliefs. I'm definitely borderlining atheist and christian right now and I'm confused as hell about what to believe.