Yeah, we aren't supposed to share variables, it's under item 3.
Actually, I have a solution. I modified the entire framework quite a bit, so that the function call only returns whether a value is prime or not, and based loops around that.
If I knew how to implement a linked list in C, it may be plausable, but this is my first time in C. Thanks for the suggestions, though.
Here is my final code- it works, not quite as elegant as it could be since I have to account for small amounts, but I found it a nice solution:
/* Programming Project #1
* Operating Systems, Spring 2005*/
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
/* This program successively tests integers for prime numbers. Return the Nth
prime number, where N is the value pointed to by *ARG. */
void * compute_prime (void * params)
int candidate = * ((int*) params);
int factor;
int is_prime = 1;
int upper_limit = (int) sqrt(candidate); /*You need only test up to sqrt(x)
divisiors of x */
/* Test primality by successive division */
for (factor = 2; factor <= upper_limit; ++factor)
if (candidate % factor == 0)
is_prime = 0; /*false*/
return (int*)is_prime;
int main () {
pthread_t thread1, thread2, thread3, thread4;
int prime1, prime2, prime3, prime4;
int isPrime1, isPrime2, isPrime3, isPrime4;
int which_prime = 10;
int factor = 3; //Amount of concurrent threads we are using
int loop_control1 = 1; //Counter for first loop
int loop_control2 = 0; //Counter for second loop
int finished = which_prime - (factor +2); //want to do the last (factor) on our own, plus 1 and 2 are given
int answer;
//This solution breaks down for small cases: hard-coded for "sanity check"
if (which_prime == 2)
printf("The %dth prime is 2.\n", which_prime);
if (which_prime == 3)
printf("The %dth prime is 5.\n", which_prime);
if (which_prime == 4)
printf("The %dth prime is 7.\n", which_prime);
if (which_prime == 5)
printf("The %dth prime is 11.\n", which_prime);
//Hard coded for small case "sanity check"
if (which_prime < 6)
prime1 = factor * loop_control1;
prime2 = prime1 +1;
prime3 = prime2 +1;
/* Start 3 threads, each returns if it's number is prime*/
pthread_create(&thread1, NULL, &compute_prime, &prime1);
pthread_create(&thread2, NULL, &compute_prime, &prime2);
pthread_create(&thread3, NULL, &compute_prime, &prime3);
/* Wait for all threads to complete, and grab the values when they are done */
pthread_join(thread1, (void*) &isPrime1);
pthread_join(thread2, (void*) &isPrime2);
pthread_join(thread3, (void*) &isPrime3);
if (isPrime1)
if (finished == 0)
answer = prime1;
if (isPrime2)
if (finished == 0)
answer = prime2;
if (isPrime3)
if (finished == 0)
answer = prime3;
//Exactly 3 are left: test each number after what last loop gave us,
//but only increment for loop's counter if one is found
loop_control2 = factor; //need to find the last (factor) primes
while (1)
//Hard coded for small case "sanity check"
if (which_prime < 6)
answer = answer + 1;
pthread_create(&thread4, NULL, &compute_prime, &answer);
pthread_join(thread4, (void*) &isPrime4);
if (isPrime4)
if (loop_control2 == 0)
//after this, answer should be the correct prime
/* Print the largest prime that it computed */
//Hard coded for small case "sanity check"
if (which_prime > 5)
printf("The %dth prime number computed is %d.\n", which_prime, answer);
return 0;
Thanks again for the replies. Got me thinkin