Originally Posted by KMA
While the trust fund carries a balance, that balance represents no actual economic assets.
There is, however, a ton of money owed to the trust fund (with interest). That means, when Social Security starts running a deficit around 2016, it will have to call in those debts since there isn't any money in the trust fund to draw from.
Given that you ignored the question I posed to you in the other thread, I'll ask it here.
Are Social Security taxes general revenue? Or, do they exist to pay for Social Security? This is a yes/no, A/B question.
If SS taxes are general revenue, then there is no Social Security crisis when Social Security taxes end up smaller than Social Security expenses. In which case, there is no 'crisis' in 2018. 2009, or whatever date.
If SS taxes are not general revenue, then the US government owes the Social Secuity system for debts incurred. In which case, the current administration is spending the US government massively into debt.