To answer the main thread directly, i really don't see much reason to label it a success up to this point. It has been one mistake after another. From keeping the military on a political leash leading to unnesessary deaths on all sides, to the pushing of an early election that lead to many people not being able to vote due to polling centers not opening and the lack of enough ballots.
I'd have to agree with tecoyah up to a point, i expected pretty much what we're seeing except i really didnt expect the government to mess up so much in so many ways as to make it look like there isn't anyone running the show over there. It's like no one's driving the bus. Every once in a while a bone will be thrown thats all dressed up to make it look pretty and meaningful. In the mean time people continue to die and no one seems to care. Well thats not really true, some people care, but every time someone raises a voice they're shot down and labeled a Bush basher or an unpatriotic troop-hater.
We Must Dissent.