This is why I think its best to leave past experiences in the PAST. You're a little curious and you think you want to know so you ask. After a little coercion she drops a few tantalizing comments but doesn't really disclose. Now you're stuck with your imagination throttle pegged wide open and no resolution! This is the sort of thing that drives people insane and can cause relationship hiccups as well. She never tells you and you've got a big question mark in your head forever, an itch you can never scratch. She tells you and it turns out to be something you can't handle then you've got even bigger problems and a vision in your head that freaks you out. If she tells you and its no big deal then you are lucky but probably wonder then if she's telling you the truth since her story seens so tame. The safest bet is just live for today and find your own fun kinky sex groove the two of you can enjoy. Besides, if she says "Well X guy used to do X thing to me and it really lit my fire!" then when You do X thing you might wonder if she's thinking about you or the originator of the X move. While sometimes hard to do, I've learned to leave intimate details about the past alone.