@ go to your careers service.
@ ask for their advice and show them your resume.
@ do practice interviews.
@ apply to companies you have no interest in, but who run similar recruitment processes to ones you are - use them as practice runs.
@ if you get a job offer at one of these other firms, use it as a bargaining chip.
@ white space is important. you want lots of it on your 2 pages.
@ bullett points are good too. no one reads paragraphs (the 7 second rule is true).
@ always ask for feedback.
@ don't be put off by rejection. many companies have so many applicants right now that they almost randomly reject a portion of candidates to keep the numbers manageable.
@ always taylor your application to the key skills the company is looking for. every company has them. usually between three and five. if they aren't on the recruitment literature then phone up and ask what the company is looking for.
@ good luck!!
I've been 4thTimeLucky, you've been great. Goodnight and God bless!