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Old 02-08-2005, 08:08 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: Florida
Questions about past sexual experiences to my wife...(more info)

me 26 my wife 31, 2 yrs maried yesterday so we went for a nice dinner wile my sister in law watched our daughter... wile out we talked and laughed... she works at a high school and she told me about a student who she is working with that stares at her boobs all the time... my wife btw has an amazing pair of boobs super nice 38Ds. anyhow... i told her that turned me on.. how a young guy is checking out my wife... she started to laugh and said he is a senior in HS... just a young perv... i said heck i didn't look at boobs just cause i dunno what they where when i was in HS... anyhow... that is how our sex talk started.. i told her that since our daughter was born very oddly do we have a good sex session.. we talked about some good ones we have had... a couple came up but not lots... I asked about what she likes what turns her on about our sex life... we really have never talked about this in this mater.... well anyhow.. later on the drive home i asked about the past... crazyest place... and what kind of diferent senarios she has been involved in.... she was hessitant... said " i rather not talk about past experiences.. i woudn't wana know about you in the past laid out with someone....... also said that everytime she has spoken about her past she has been judged... i explained that she is my wife and i would never judge her about past experiences... si just wana get into her sexuality and have a more seductive sex life..... she then went on to say that she had had sex but for the wrong reasons... that trew me off... she said this as we where pulling into the driveway and then she said that it was wierd that all of a sudden i wana know and I'm asking... i said that i have been reading up on stuff about satisfying your lover.. she giggled.... then she said"well i want to tell you about everything but i have to think about this." i said fine....

well now i'm bouncing off the walls... what is it that she did to not want to tell me or that she had sex with someone for the wrong reasons?? what kind of sex??? or did something that someone would judge her over!?!?!?

i dunno what to do or what to expect... any ladies out there can put my mind at ease ...

maybe some advice how to bring this up again.. because i have a feeling she will not.

Last edited by jorgev; 02-08-2005 at 11:34 AM..
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