The part I was pointing out in 1 Cor 5:5 was the last little bit, dealing with the man being saved. Despite his sins.
Do people who sin need to be delt with? Not in the way you are implying. We are to love the sinner and do nothing to make him sin more. In the end it is not us who says who is right or wrong. The bible clearly states this many times. Do not judge others.... Remove the plank from your own eye.... There is even a verse that says directly do not say who is going to heaven and hell.
God is the one who judges all in the end not us. It is our job as Christians to be there for the sinner when they are ready. We should not persecute them, we should not slander them, we should not put them down, we should not gossip about them, we should not put ourselfs above them, no instead we should only love them. That is what the bible teaches us.