Do you share the bathroom with your S/O
we share the bathroom all the time..its no biggie for us..I get up and shower in the morning then wake him up, so he stumbles in to pee while Im starting to put my make up on...if he walks in with his eyes still closed I always say...."need me to hold it for ya?" Its nothing for us to walk in while the other one is peeing.
now #2 is different...thats our reading time so we dont share the bathroom then, but if the other person needs something (like you didnt realize you were out of toilet paper) the other will come in and hand it to them.
The way I see day we'll be old and may have health issues that affect bodily functions that require the other person to take care of you....may as well get comfortable with it now!!
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!