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Old 02-08-2005, 05:23 AM   #13 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
gotta admire the hell out of my sister cause once she turned 18 she just fuckin left...with nothing...went to college on her own without their help and will be graduating soon and won't need to depend on them for anything. Wish I had her guts.
Good for her, it'll mean a lot to her knowing that she worked for it. She's not a rare case though. My parents didn't pay for my college education, why should they? I was the one who was going to use it, a person tends to work harder when there are consequences... (in my case, if I blew off a class, it was my money I was wasting)

You've got a lot of reasons why you can't do something... Start to look for the reasons why you can do something. Find some of that desire and drive that your sister has and use it for yourself.
It's almost like my parents have made it so that I can't leave and they can keep on taking advantage of me...they didn't teach me how to drive...They don't plan on ever buying me a car, computer, anything I'd need like that..
That's not desire and drive, that's waiting for a handout and someone to do stuff for you. Get a friend to teach you how to drive, find a driving school, sitting and thinking that mommy and daddy didn't teach me is no excuse, you want to learn how to do it.. you do it.... You want a car, you figure out how to buy one... why should your parents hand you one?

Lemee leave you with one thought.... Music. You love it, one might say you are passionate about it, and you spend a lot of time on it. Did your parents lock you in a room andmake you listen to music for hours on end? Somehow I doubt it, that desire came from within you, use that desire and that passion for other stuff as well.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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