Thread: Canadian...
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Old 02-07-2005, 10:33 PM   #1 (permalink)

I have a weird thought for all of you...
Im Canadian-American; exactly like Mexican-American.
I was born in the states but both of my parents and everyone else in my whole extended family was born in Canada.
Of course once you get up to my great great grandparents and so on they're from other countries.
I was talking to one of my friends one day and he said his parents were born in Scotland, so he was Scottish. Then he made the comment and you're American. I told him my parents were born in Canada so I'm Canadian. The conversation kind of ended then, but got me thinking who was more Canadian. Of course I'm not asking who was more Canadian literally, because I don't even know what that means. to be Canadian.
He was born here, I was not.
As you can tell Im a little confused and not thinking straight. Now you all are probabley a little confused.
Im not very good @ internet talking, because I can't get my thoughts out of paper that well without structure and proper planning.
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