matthew: if you, as a conservative, are going to accept how your political machine chooses to frame this issue, then you have to accept the consequences. so given that the christian right has chosen to frame their side of this conflict in terms of mobilized bigotry directed at folk who happen to be gay BECAUSE they are gay, then it follows that the issue, for people like yourself, can be little other than restricting the right of others to love as they choose. and the question of marriage is but a pretext.
it's your position, friend.
i would attempt to swat it away with ad hominem attacks too, if i were in your place.
because the consequences of it are indeed ugly, and they smack of something well beyond the relatively benign problems of ignorance.
RB: Love isn't even on the radar of my "political machine." Your blatently subltle attmepts at equating conservatives/the christian right (no need to convolute your position, call us all one thing), is nothing but a pretext for your "mobilized bigotry" argument. I'm not afraid of being called a biggot, but i'm sure you weren't speaking to me in particular, that was you're "political machine" talking. Marriage is a social concern, love isn't.