Originally Posted by Sawfmonkey
My only suggestions: Start from the hips, move with the beat (I know you can pick it up eventually), control your appendages. Don't just go out there with no control babe. Move your arms, do the robot, but make sure they aren't flying outa control. Then move your feet. Take big steps small ones, turn...do stuff. Start dancing in your own home. You'll find it if you practice it.
Yeah! I took a study break, hopped on TFP, and have been dancing for the past 20 minutes. It was a bit awkward for 30 seconds or so. I kept stopping, thinking 'You look like an idiot.' Then I realized I was the only one who could think that, and who cares what I think!! There's nothing like getting over your own self-inhibitions. I've never had so much fun dancing as I have just now, by myself.
That, in itself, is pretty pathetic, but it's still a blast. I'm just having trouble finding music in my library that's good to dance to. Thanks for the tips and advice. Please, those who 'know how' to dance, continue with comments.
I'll never let go of my hippie-style dancing though. Sometimes it is just right to flail.