Well just clarificaion on what everyone else has been saying:
Water at the top of the pond is exposed to the cold air before the bottom is and that wonderful property of ice to float keeps it there.
A star' color is based on its temperature and temperature will create a variety of wavelengths, some are just over powered by others to create different ones. C4, the reason thermal radiation is a different process because that is when you describe electrons emmitting light. The sun produces light from the intense radiation created from the nuclear fires in it's depths. Plasma emmits light because it is stripped of it's electrons. Are you thinking of that?
As to why gas doesn't settle is because it is not dense enough to. There is enough space in between gas molecules to allow it to ZING around. It's density as mentioned is affected by it's relative height above the earth's surface. Just like water in an ocean: the deeper you go the more pressure there is at that depth because it has more water above it. The same applies to gas, its denser here with more pressure because there is more gas above it.
Make sense? Easy as differential equations!