Location: CT,NYC,NJ(have been all over)
The UN has passed all kinds of nutty resolutions about Israel- part of this has to do with the fact that there are at least 40 Arab/Muslim countries in the general assembly- part of this has to do with the fact that the other countries are all playing to suit their own interests, which usually lie more with oil than truth. Don't use the UN to learn about the reality of the region, the general consencus of the world governments is a not any sort of moral authority, if you look at history, and is dominated by petty squabbling and selfish motive, not the pursuit of real justice and truth. Israel is not only under attack from the Palestinians- it is a proxy war, backed by Syria, Iran, the Saudis, Iraq until recently, and of course the PLO and Palestinians themselves, who have been brainwashed for 55 years first by the Egyptians and Jordanians who ran their camps and coordinated terrorist raids, and then by the PLO. Sharon was NOT directly responsible- Time magazine, as well as another Israeli magazine both had articles that suggested that- he sued them for libel, and won both cases, because it ISN'T TRUE. I am not Sharon's publicist, but at the same time it makes me sick to see the truth distorted to such an extent. And by the way, the Phalangists weren't "death squads", they happened to be the special forces of the LEBANESE PRESIDENT, and therefore the sovereign military power in the region. It was the elite of the Lebanese army, who had been battling the PLO before Israel arrived, which had been brutalizing, killing, stealing, torturing and raping the lebanese civilians and violating their rights, while it set up a terrorist mini-state. I know though, that people like you don't actually, deep down, really give a shit about anyone's human rights, you just hate Israel. Otherwise there wouldn't be this selective attention. The camps were not encircled by the IDF, the area was under IDF control, but the IDF did not sit there watching this happen. There was a war going on, and since the Lebanese and the Israelis were both trying to expel the PLO. The Phalangists were directly responsible, not Sharon. Israel is on the defensive from a starving, dying population- because they are deliberately kept in such squallid conditions, instead of being absorbed into the arab countries 95% of them originally came from, like in every single other conflict in history where land changed hands. Examples- when India and Pakistan split, Germany/Czechoslovakia after WW2, etc. And yes, Israel is on the defensive- in case you didn't notice 1000 jews have been killed since Oslo. And then you're of course going to say- "oh, but more palestinians have been killed!" First of all, when do numbers of casualties reveal anything about the cause of or source of aggression in a conflict? Second, more Israeli CIVILIANS have been killed. After all, the palestinians specifically target civilians, as they are trying to break Israel by demoralization. Israel does not target civilians. Some are killed regardless, when terrorists hide in and operate out of civlian areas, or intentionally use human shields. The world saw these tactics in Iraq. Israel wouldn't be on the defensive, except that the whole world puts huge political pressure on them NOT to kill Arafat, the head of the snake, not to have a permanent military presence in Palestinian areas, not to expel anyone and basically, not to defend themselves to the best of their ability, because it hurts the "peace process", as though there can ever be peace before the renunciation of terrorism as a political bargaining chip. If you are being intellectually honest, which it doesn't seem that you are, go read the thread about the evacuation of settlements, I had an extended dialogue with some people where I gave a lot of history with sources. If you aren't willing to look past the bullshit and consider the facts, then there is no point in debating with you.
Truth is peace. We are all souls in bodies.