I set out in search of myself, and this time I surely would succeed.
I had decided that it was time that I found myself. I had undertaken a journey to nowhere, and with no one.
I had been alone for countless days and nights aboard that vessel I loved so much, and yes, now hated as well.
It was an opportunity to get away, as far away from civilization as possible.
In fact, in many ways, it was too far. I yearned for human contact. Seeking the very thing that I was attempting to shun.
The undulating ocean would seduce me into a peaceful bliss, then, abruptly slam me into reality when a storm neared. I had chosen this experience, but was eager for it to end. Had I bitten off more than I could chew? Being at the mercy of the winds was a predicament that went back centuries. Being an experienced sailor didn’t help me cope with the solitude…it was maddening.
The nights were filled with joyful visions of an unbelievably black sky, ridiculously crowded with too many brightly lit stars. To share that with no one was indeed a shame. That choice was mine, alone, and I regretted it deeply.
I was growing weary of the sound of my own voice, and my own thoughts.
I yearned for the sound of another human being, but that was not to come for quite some time. I didn’t even know where I was, let alone how long it would be before I made any kind of contact.
Then, out of nowhere, a giant wave washed over my beloved vessel, and swept me overboard. As I swam in vain towards my only hope of living,I realized, too late, that this shit don’t happen in the city…what was I thinking?
Hail to ALL the troops and shadow warriors.