Originally Posted by Blaspheme
Another good candidate for having "In my opinion" appended. There's two sides to that, as I said before.
Cut that out. Of course it's in their opinion. They're posting an opinion on a message forum. We don't need to have our hands held and be told it's an opinion. We learned the difference between fact and opinion in grade school.
Shakran, I have to say that you've totally lost me. You seem to take issue with my post because I haven't followed some rules of debating? I hate to break it to you, but I have no training or education in the field of debate. I'm just an average guy trying to express his opinions as clearly and accurately as I know how to. If my arguments are rendered irrelevant to you because they don't follow proper formatting, then I'm sorry to hear that.
You missed my point entirely. In the midst of what was frankly a sarcastic and needlessly insulting post, you attempted to use obfuscation to push forward a flawed concept. You said kids who aren't disciplined don't respect anything (by the way, you failed to add "in my opinion" to that. . .just sayin'. . . ) You also said you've seen kids who werent' spanked and who were rotten.
That implies that spanking kids makes them respect rules. While that may be true in some cases, it obfuscates the fact that other methods have met with similar success without involving the striking of a child.
Now on to the real debate that's been started, regarding spanking.
Let's face it, it's completely illogical. Someone up there said that if a kid hits another kid, you should spank him to teach him a lesson. That is pure, unadulterated hypocracy. "hey Little Johnny. You hit someone, and that's wrong, so I'm going to hit you."
That won't teach the child anything other than "avoid pain." It won't teach the kid to respect that other kid. All it will teach him is that if he wants to hit the other kid (and hitting mustn't always be wrong since Mommy just hit him) just make sure to do it when he won't be caught, then he won't be spanked.
If however you raise the kid to be respectful of people, meaning you actually take the time and trouble to work with the kid BEFORE hitting other kids becomes an issue, then you are being proactive rather than reactive and you have a much better chance of stopping the problem before it starts.
Raising a kid to behave well without spanking him is, no question, harder than just spanking him whenever he screws up. But it's a lot kinder, a lot more logical, and frankly any parent who's so lazy they'd rather beat their child than work with their child to teach him good behavior shouldn't be a parent.
And yes, that's in my opinion.