Originally Posted by daswig
If marriage were completely divorced from the law, as in marriage was strictly a matter of religion, no State marriage license required, then I'd have no problem with same sex marriage, UNLESS a same sex couple tried to force a certain religion to let them marry. If the UUs or any other church wanted to have same sex marriage, it'd be protected under the First Amendment.
Okay. So to clairify: outside of the law, you believe that they should be allowed to marry (unless they try to force their beliefs).
A Manhattan judge declared Friday that the section of state law that forbids same-sex marriage is unconstitutional...
What the article (see page 1) is about is changing the letter of state law in that it contradicts the constitution. Usually when a state law butts heads with the constitution....what happens? You have told us you have a history with law, what do you think happens when the constituion (all men [people] are created equal) butts head with state law (those queers can't marry!)?
Either the constitution is wrong, or the state law is wrong (or people can try to bastardise the constitution by saying that "all men created equal" doesn't apply to gays marriage rights). The only question that we should be asking ourselves is does "all men created equal" mean that gays should be allowed to marry (whether society is ready or not)? It's up to the judges.