Originally Posted by Rdr4evr
...you crazy Patsie fans...
I know you enjoy using the term "Patsy" and/or "Patsies" quite bit to belittle the NFL's best team and its fan base, but your intent and use of the term don't seem to be conducive to one another. By definition, "Patsy" is a person who is easily manipulated or victimized. It seems to me that the Steelers, Colts, and Eagles became patsies when they played the Patriots in the playoffs.
Now, if you are using patsy to describe myself or the other 10 Patriot fans in the world, you might be correct with the latter. As far as the former, I have never considered myself a patsy nor do I feel I will become a patsy by rooting for team that I have followed since the days of Dick McPherson and his 2-14 record as head coach or the 1-15 record of Rod Rust.
I don't fault you for cheering for the Raiders nor resenting me or the 10 other Patriots fans for enjoying 3 of the past 4 seasons. I grew up a Red Sox fan and I know how much it hurts to root for a team that is the epitome of mediocrity and underachieving. Someday the Raiders might just break through and win a meaningful game. But just as the Red Sox suffered under mismanagement and a slew of head cases in the locker room, the Raiders will continue to do so until a change is made. I think we both know that change needs to be with Al Davis.