Originally Posted by thesupermikey
If i were to take a guess i would say that Gaius's Six from before Caprica was blown up fell in love with Gaius. There are at least 2 points when she asks him if he lovers her. She know that Gaius could die so she plants a chip in his head so that she can help him live.
Yeah, I thought about that, but here's the thing that keeps sticking in my head.
When the Olympic Carrier came back and Gaius had his little crisis of faith in the back room. Six kept urging him to repent. It seemed like the President's decision to shoot down the Olympic Carrier hinged on Gaius repenting his sins. When he did, the President finally gave the go ahead.
There are a handful of instances like that I can remember in both the mini-series and the 5 episodes thus far. Six forces Dr. Baltar to go against his human programming as a scientist and rely on faith rather than logic before the crisis is averted. Six has said she loves him and that could very well be the reason why she does what she does, but I think there's something else at work.