Damn Dylan, are you llow’s buddy? You Patsie boys are getting upset lately, eh? Is my anti-Patsie attitude getting to you? It's all good though, bi-polar is something 'ol Barret couldn't help, it's an awful disease that is incontrollable if one ceases to take the medication, but I do blame him for missing the big show.
Either way, my 5-11 team is still more exciting to watch than your "dynasty" team that somehow talks the NFL into allowing them penalties (and I'm not just talking about the snowjob). Or are you angry because your team fanbase consists of you and maybe 10 others?
As for Joe Buck, I'll agree with you there, I think he's an annoying POS.
I still love you Dylan, you crazy Patsie fans are a hoot to argue with!
P.S. We will STOMP on you next season