Originally Posted by guthmund
What I can't figure out, is why the cylons are helping the humans at all?
There have been plenty of instances where the cylons talk of destroying the humans and plenty of instances where Gaius' Six (the one in his head) has gone to great lengths to drop hints that have helped them to survive.
I think, perhaps, that the cylons aren't of one mind in how to deal with the humans. Maybe not out and out disagreement, but maybe Gaius' Six is part of a group who are trying to help keep the humans alive for some reason.
If i were to take a guess i would say that Gaius's Six from before Caprica was blown up fell in love with Gaius. There are at least 2 points when she asks him if he lovers her. She know that Gaius could die so she plants a chip in his head so that she can help him live.